Ici vous retrouverez des messages de familles américaines, de soldats américains ou encore des divisions américaines sur l'association et les
Here you'll find some words from american families, soldiers or division about the organization and the godmothers/fathers.
Message de la nièce du SSGT GILMAN Arthur G :
Message from the niece of SST GILMAN Arthur G :
Arthur Gilman is my uncle and he died in Italy. He was 31 years and left a wife and a 1 yr old daughter. Nice to learn about your program. I was in France a few years but was not able to
visit Epinal but did get to the Beaches of Normandy and it was the most moving place I have ever been to.. Thanks to all of you who are remembering the Boys.
Here is two messages from the USA about the ceremony of December 13th 2015:
It was great to meet you and the wonderful people we met in Luxeuil and again in Paris. You are rightly proud of these pictures and the effort you and your group have made to keep the memories of
the fallen Americans alive. It is very impressive to us and a great honor to know that you and folks like you are making such an effort.
I will make a point of sharing this with as many people as I can so they can begin to appreciate the strong bonds between our countries, sometimes forgotten or unnoticed by our American people.
Thank you for sharing and know that Ginny and I enjoyed every minute of this experience enhanced and enrichened by you and your compatriots from the Luxeuil region.
Terry L. Johnson
Author, Valiant Volunteers, a Novel Based on the Passion and the Glory of the Lafayette Escadrille
So very true Terry. I share your views and sentiments completely.
Marc McClure, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History
Walters State Community College
One of our very own Society Associate members, Jocelyne Papelard-Brescia, spearheads the organization that adopts graves at the American Battele Monuments Commission cemetery in Epinal France. Here she is again, adopting out three graves of Dogface Soldiers. Our sincere thanks to her and all the French Citizens who adopt our Soldiers and keep them company when their families cannot.
Mr. Martin🌹
Thank you very much for your kind remembrance. Our family appreciates your attention.
Mr. Murphy
Hello, Jocelyne, THANK YOU very much, and please thank your friends who have taken part in this effort to remember the boys who gave their lives to liberate France and all of Europe.
Mr. Woldenberg
Bonjour, Jocelyne, MERCI beaucoup et merci à vos amis qui ont pris part à cet effort pour se souvenir des garçons qui ont livré leur vie pour libérer la France et toute l'Europe.
M. Woldenberg
I was able to download the Epinal Christmas video and it was all you said it would be. We visited Epinal in 2000 and to see the video is very meaningful to us. Thank you for sharing it and for all that you do for our loved ones.
Hello Jocelyne,
Just received a copy of the info about Epinal from Sharon Connor! I am a member of Awon also.
You are doing amazing things for our guys at Epinal. Thank you so much! I know it keeps you busy.
Best wishes my friend! Hugs to you!
Joyce Taylor
I can not tell you how touched I am by the videos you sent, and how grateful I am to you and the people of Epinal for remembering and honoring the fallen.
Please thank the family who adopted my Uncle Frank Dorgan. Welcome them to his family of Irish/German immigrants.
All of the nieces and nephews of Francis X Dorgan are upstanding honorable citizens of the USA. I can only wonder what he might have accomplished in his life, had be not been killed.
But the fact that he applied for the military three times, tells me that he was where he felt he needed and wanted to be.
I can only hope his efforts contributed to the outcome of that awful war
Thank you and everyone involved with this wonderful project.
Edie Shannon
I just got the latest Epinal Posting, and all I can say is THANK YOU for allowing me to be part of all that is being done to Preserve the Stories of the Epinal Boys
I feel blessed for being chosen and Respected for the LOSS of MY DAD, Army 2nd Lt Theodore Rowman,Those who research and showing how much they cared about the Cost Of Victory and extending that to their Children/families that in many lives the TRUTH was never disclosed.
I never dreamed this Emotionally and Overwhelming Experience would ever happen for Me. Jocelyne the guardian Angel for those beneath those White Marble Crosses and allowing Families the closure they never had.
Jo Anne Rowman Morrissey
Your email made me smile. I want to thank you and the school for taking the time to honor my grandfather. I wish my family and I could visit again but I do not think we will be able to. I am grateful that we can still be a part of the ceremonies even though we are so far away. Thank you so much for all that you do. It is very appreciated. My family and I thank you. Please let the school, the teachers and the children know they are touching lives thousands of miles away and please thank them for me also.
I hope you have a blessed day!
Shelley Stacy
Thank you, Jocelyne Papelard. You encouraged and blessed me with your email. In the seventy-one years since my uncle's death in battle we are glad that his name will be remembered now in a special way. May God bless you and your family, and may you know Jesus Christ, God's Son, whom to know is eternal life.
John Sheldon
It was great to meet you and the wonderful people we met in Luxeuil and again in Paris. You are rightly proud of these pictures and the effort you and your group have made to keep the memories of the fallen Americans alive. It is very impressive to us and a great honor to know that you and folks like you are making such an effort.
I will make a point of sharing this with as many people as I can so they can begin to appreciate the strong bonds between our countries, sometimes forgotten or unnoticed by our American people.
Thank you for sharing and know that Ginny and I enjoyed every minute of this experience enhanced and enrichened by you and your compatriots from the Luxeuil region.
Terry L. Johnson
Thank you for all that you do "for our boys". Pascale cares for the grave of my uncle, Clayton LeRoy Westover. I am so thankful for the kindness shown to all of our fallen. I was not aware of this until recently and I am profoundly grateful.
The pictures of the candles on the grave markers at Epinal are indeed breathtaking - and very moving. I can only guess at the amount of work that went into achieving this. As the son of one
of these soldiers, I would extend my heartfelt appreciation to you and the members of your group. You never forget.
À vous tous, et aux autres membres de USMGEF : Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année !
La fête des lumières à Épinal semble avoir été très réussie. Les photos et vidéos sont merveilleux !
Merci pour tous vos efforts !
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us. I am very honored by the work of the Association US Memory Grand Est France. They are so dedicated to the memory and honor of our family members and I couldn't be more proud that my Uncle (Victor Casaretti) is receiving such special treatment at Epinal Cemetery. The family was always concerned that his body was buried overseas but we can now recognize that that was the best decision that was made for him. Because he is interred at Epinal Cemetery he will always be honored, respected and remembered long after all of us are gone from this world.
Thank you to you, Virginie and all of your staff for their dedicated care as well. The Casaretti Family extends to you and your family the warmest of holiday wishes and many blessings in 2016! I hope one day to return to France for one of these amazing ceremonies but I have to say that the candles make quite a dramatic showing. I would love to see this continue every year and would be more than happy to help supplement the expenses of the Association.
Warmest regards,
Ginny Casaretti Callahan
Thank you so much for sharing this event with me! I had to pass this on to my many friends and acquaintances as per beauty, respect, honor and constant care that many of our French Friends do for our fallen men! If you weren't so far away at this time, I would personally give you a big hug and thank you in person! Someday perhaps! I also passed this onto Debbie. May God Bless You as Always and May His Face Shine Upon You and Your Associates for ever and ever! Wishing You and Your Family, a Blessed Holiday Season and a Safe One and Happy New Year! I am so behind, that I will not catch up! Debbie had a bad spell early this morning and had me up at a very early hour! In fact, I am thinking of taking a break and a short nap! Thank you from the Bottom of My Heart and Love from the North 40 of Montana!
(Neveu de Robert HUHTALA dont le B17 s'est crashé.
Merci chère Jocelyne et encore toute mon admiration pour cette heureuse initiative...J'ai eu de bons commentaires de gens qui ont assisté à cette cérémonie émouvante. Merci encore, à vous et aux volontaires qui vous ont aidé.....God bless you all,
Roland PRIEUR (ancien superintendant du cimetière américain d’Epinal)